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Taste Our Excellent Brunch Menu Today

At Arandas Cafe, we have spent countless hours perfecting our brunch menu. We believe brunch is one of the best meals to enjoy. Brunch is truly a pleasure by combining the restorative elements of a hearty breakfast and the fuel of nutritious lunch. We offer a range of brunch items to our guests. From delicious pancakes to a delicious Monte Cristo, you can count on our café to deliver an enticing meal to kick-start your day. Read our menu below and come visit our delicious diner.

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Fruit and Grain


Homemade granola, fresh berries, bananas, coconut, honey

Greek Yogurt Parfait

Seasonal fruit, Greek yogurt, granola, honey

Fruit Bowl

Seasonal fruit, granola, honey


Mix nuts, dried fruits, honey



2 - $5.50
4 - $9.50

Strawberry Chocolate Chip

3 topped with fresh strawberries, strawberry sauce

French Toast

Classic Brioche

Add berries - $2.00

Berry Bliss

Stuffed with vanilla mascarpone, berries, cinnamon, powdered sugar

Stuffed Nutella

Strawberries, blueberries, bananas, nutella, powdered sugar


Classic Belgian

Add berries - $2.00

Strawberry and Cream


Fried Chicken & Waffles

With maple syrup


Served with breakfast potatoes. Choice of pancake or toast.
Substitute egg whites – $1.00.

Two Eggs (Any Style)

With a side of bacon and sausage links

Turkey Omelette

3 eggs, spinach, mozzarella

Veggie Omelette

Spinach, cherry tomatoes, yellow squash, zucchini, cremini, mozzarella, spinach



Served with breakfast potatoes.
Substitute egg whites for – $1.00.
Add choice of one bacon, sausage links, Canadian bacon – $2.95.

Morning Portabella

Portobello topped with spinach, quinoa, parmesan, eggs

Benedicts & Hot Chicken

Fried chicken, 2 poached eggs, spicy Hollandaise sauce

Eggs Benedict on Foccacia

Canadian bacon, 2 poached eggs, Hollandaise Sauce

Florentine Benedict on Foccacia

2 poached eggs, sautéed baby spinach, Hollandaise sauce

Spinach & Bacon Scrambler & Toast

Bacon, baby spinach, mozzarella

Steak & Eggs

New York steak, country sauce, 2 eggs



Roasted turkey, egg, mozzarella, cheese, avocado, béchamel


Monte Cristo

Ham, turkey, Swiss cheese, strawberry sauce, powdered sugar, micro basil



Sliced strawberry, banana, hazelnut caramel, whip cream, powdered sugar


Seasonal berries, strawberry sauce, whip cream, powdered sugar

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Toast & Sandwiches

Avocado Toast

Watermelon radish, cucumber, sesame seed, chia & hemp seed, lemon juice, crushed pepper, micro greens on multigrain bread.
Add egg - $2.00

Feta Avocado Toast

Crumbled feta, cherry tomatoes, balsamic reduction
Add egg - $2.00

Fried Eggs Avocado Toast

Sliced avocado, 2 fried eggs, spring field mix, crushed pepper, olive oil & lemon juice

Smoked Salmon Toast

Whipped cream cheese, tomatoes, fried capers, red onion, everything seasoning

BBLT Sandwich & Fries

Scrambled egg, cheddar cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato, black pepper aioli, white toast

Bacon and Cheddar Croissant

Scrambled egg, bacon, cheddar cheese


House Potatoes


Applewood Smoked Bacon

3 - $3.95

Canadian Bacon

2 - $3.95

Sausage Link

2 - $3.95



Delicious Cooking in Imperial Beach, CA